Fort Lee, VA
F Troop's 50th Year Reunion
August 28 - 30, 2017       Fort Lee, Virginia
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* * * Photos From Daily Activities * * *
Indoor Laser Rifle Range           Tuesday 9:15 AM
Here at the Indoor Laser Rifle Range everyone got a chance to show off their marksmanship with an M-16.
"Killer" Carol Horn
Les & Margaret Hancock
Gun moll Fran Corder
Ed Ell, Art Mushkin & Terrye Dachelet
HUMMV Training Center           Tuesday 10:00 AM
Here we got to participate in a realistic combat senario with 360 degree screens while sitting in HUMMVs that appeared to be moving in a convoy.
HUMMV Control Room
Fran Corder, Lelia Warner & Ruthann Tucker
Eastmond & Warner in HUMMV
Eastmond & Warner in HUMMV
HUMMV Control Room
HUMMV Control Room
Dachelet & Conrad in HUMMV
One of our HUMMV's becomes a casualty
HUMMV control screens
Rigger Parachute Facility           Tuesday 12:30 PM
Here we learned how chutes are packed and the new parachutes now utilized by the military.
Tour of the Officer Parachute packing class
Parachute testing devices
Park thinks "No way, I can't use Jody calls while jumping from an airplane."
Baetz thinks "No way will I jump with that chute."
MAJ Briscoe explaining the packing procedure
Officiers practice packing the chute they will jump with.
Paratrooper mock-up fully loaded in the Rigger Lobby
3 parachute testing devices
QM Museum           Tuesday 1:55 PM
One can't visit Ft Lee and turn down a chance to visit the QM Museum which now includes an exhibit of F Troop memorabilia.
Dr. Steve Anders Presentation           Wednesday 9:15 AM
Retired QM Historian, Steve Anders gave a very interesting presentation on a comparison of QM functions in Vietman to the current Middle-east conflicts.
Dr. Steve Anders (the retired QM Historian)
Before Dr. Anders presentation, Ed Mahr and George Chernesky show off this mysterious flag presumably given to George by the 2nd platoon back in 1967. The flag
is 3' X 5' and in a dark buff color with the words SEMPER FI in the middle as well as 67-13 and 2F2 which seems to mean 2nd Platoon, F Troop, 2nd Battalion.
Neither Ed nor George knows why the SEMPER FI. According to Wikipedia, Semper Fi is the shortened version of "Semper Fidelis", the motto of the Marine Corps, Latin for
"always faithful". Can be used ironically, as in, "Semper Fi, Mac", which basically means, "That's the breaks," or "Too f**king bad.". Maybe these iconic meanings
really do fit our F Troop 2nd Platoon members. Ed seems to have a suspicious grin on his face in this undoctored photo so might more know than he's telling.
If anyone in the 2nd Platoon, or anyone else knows anything about this flag, PLEASE post your knowledge on our Message Board.
Ordnance Robotics Lab           Wednesday 12:45 PM
Here we got learned how the military diffuses IED's using robots. Very cool and high tech stuff!
EDO & Robotics Sign
Large Robot
Small Robot
Our Reunion Guide SSG Meral Smith
Dick Murray
Janet Libby, Ed Maher & Peter Hall
Shirley & Ron Conrad and Art Mushkin
AJ Parmiter, & John Warner
Alan Yount, Sarah Corder & Lois Yount
This photo getting a makeover in "photoshop".
Jay Wardell, Les Hancock & Peter Hall
Phil Corder, Terrye Dachelet, Ed Maher & Art Mushkin
Terrye Dachelet, Ed Maher, Art Mushkin & the Benkowitz's
Phil Corder & Jay Wardell
George Chernesky w/25# EOD Helmet, & Phil Corder
George Chernesky, Ron Conrad & Ed Maher
More On Lookers
Culinary Training Center           Wednesday 2:00 PM
Here at the Joint Culinary School is where chefs are trained that work in the Whitehouse and for General Officers.
Park, Eastmond, Hall & Younts ready to sample gourmet icing
Cole taking notes while Clark looks ready to cook.
Dave Baetz asks a culinary question
Fran Corder asks for some recipes
Our Old Barracks Tour           Wednesday 4:00 PM
Toured our old barracks where the memories flowed back 50 years.
Bldg 9303A
Carey checking to make sure it's the right building.
The front of our barracks.
OMG (Oh My Gosh) - Nothing like we remember!
Back of the mess hall.
Back of the mess hall.
From the back, barracks on the left and mess hall on the right.
It appears the building has been condemned. Did you really tour inside? Oh, yes...
Jere Wile
Jerry Park, Phil Corder and Dave Horn
Ron Dachelet
Phil Corder
Phil Corder
Retreat Ceremoney           Wednesday 4:50 PM
Participated in a final retreat Ceremony that included a retirement of our original guidon to the QM Museum that was led by BG Drushal, Chief of the Transportation School.
A Crowd Gathers
Regina takes photos as Bell interviews Steve & Les
Lois, Kathleen, AJ, Ed, John & Dick
Cheryl, Carol, Lila, Lois, Mary & Guy
More of the crowd
George & Carey practice casing the guidon
F Troop at Attention
F Troop at Present Arms
Cole commands "Fall in" as Regina Benkowitz, Jay Wardell, Mike Urbano & John Warner look on
Cole, Benkowitz & Horn discuss Retreat Ceremony
Urbano, Lt. Clay, BG Drushal & Hall talk about F Troop
Wile excited about being the guidon bearer
F Troop at somewhat attention as Baetz asks "what"
F Troop at Parade Rest in platoon formation
Cole & Wile prepare the guidon for casing
Cole cases the guidon with Wile
Cole presents guidon to Benkowitz and says, "Sir the guidon for retirement."
Cole accepts guidon from Wile
Luther Hanson accepts guidon from BG Drushal
Carey Cole presents awards to TAC's
Tony Eastmond, George Chernesky & Steve Benkowitz
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